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Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership home page

Tel: 01622 232 662


About the SCITT

Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership is proud to be working in partnership with Teach First to offer our Primary and Secondary School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) which will enable trainees to gain Qualified Teacher Status and a PGCE.


By choosing our programme,  trainees will benefit from hands-on experience at two or more KCSP schools (phase specific to application) and learn from experienced teaching professionals.  Our programme includes a six week placement in other educational settings, during the year to make sure that trainees qualify with a broad teaching experience.


We offer the Primary Programme 5 - 11 years.  The subjects we offer through our Secondary Programme are:


  • English 
  • Geography
  • History
  • Maths
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish)
  • Religious Education
  • Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)


Our SCITT programme is ideal for people who want to make a difference in their community and learn to teach on the job from day one.  Trainees will be interacting with pupils every day and working as a member of teaching staff in a school local to them.  


Training is designed in collaboration with Teach First's expert curriculum designers and sequenced to ensure trainees are focused on areas of teaching that are most relevant to the time of year.  The training will include a mixture of online and face-to-face elements and will ensure trainees develop the knowledge and skills needed to become a great teacher.


For details about teaching, suitability and funding visit Get Into Teaching | Get Into Teaching GOV.UK (


Click here for full details of the programme.


Please feel welcome to contact us if you have any questions or queries.






Contact Us

Tel: 01622 232 662 Email: