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Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership home page

Tel: 01622 232 662



A message from the Trust Board of Directors


Welcome to the KCSP website! We are 28 Catholic schools (and growing) within the Archdiocese of Southwark, and we have come together in a multi-academy trust, believing it to be the best way to protect and foster Catholic education in Kent. Our schools are spread across Kent, and they each aim to offer excellent education with a distinctive Catholic ethos: with Christ at our heart, we strive together to ensure that our schools offer an ambitious education and curriculum for all, with a firm focus on the provision of excellent teaching and learning, to ensure that the potential of each and every one of our young people in our schools is fulfilled, whatever their need.


Our primary mission is to provide an education for Catholic children, but non-Catholic families who value what we have to offer and want us to work with them in educating their children are very welcome indeed. Thousands of such children enjoy their experience and flourish in our schools.


Whether you are thinking of sending your child to one of our schools, want to work with us, want to volunteer to help with the governance of our schools, or are just curious, you are very welcome to browse this site, hopefully learn and, if you wish, comment or ask a question.


Caroline Stockmann FCa DChA LGSM HonFCT

Chair of the Trust Board



A message from our CEO


I am privileged to be the CEO of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership, a Catholic multi-academy trust with a commitment to enabling our children and young people to have an excellent Catholic education. 


I am very proud of all our schools and aim to draw on our combined strengths to make our Trust and our schools the very best places to learn and to work.


Our Trust is working hard to build further upon our current successes and to continue to develop our structures and systems in order to maximise leadership, educational & pedagogical expertise; to pool our resources for the benefit of all and to ensure that we continue to offer high quality professional development which supports the career development of all of our staff. 


Annemarie Whittle

Chief Executive Officer


Contact Us

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