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Tel: 01622 232 662


SEN Strategy & Inclusivity

Our Trust's Inclusivity Statement


All pupils will:


  • Experience a sense of belonging, be respected and be valued in our schools which all have Catholic Life and Catholic Social Teaching at their heart. This will allow all children to flourish and be enabled to fulfil their potential.
  • Be educated in schools where their safeguarding, welfare, wellbeing and Catholic education are our first priorities.
  • Have access to a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, differentiated to meet individual needs.
  • Be provided with a range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities.
  • Be supported to make appropriate and ambitious choices for the next stage of their education.
  • Be afforded the right to fulfil their potential and make the most of their gifts and talents.


Children with SEND will:


  • Consistently experience Quality First Teaching in the classroom, with provision for them informed by the KCC Mainstream Core Standards.
  • Receive appropriate levels of support to allow them to flourish and make progress.
  • Be involved in the decision-making and planning of their education, appropriate to their age and ability.


Parents/carers of children with SEND will:


  • Receive timely support and advice about their child’s education, welfare and next steps.
  • Be provided with information about their child’s progress, curriculum and provision and have opportunities to regularly review this with the school.


Our Trust's SEND Strategy can be viewed/ downloaded below:

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