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The Oscar Romero Award

Archbishop Oscar Romero is a 20th century martyr of the Church. He was the Archbishop of San Salvador in Central America and was canonised (recognised as a saint) on 14 October 2018 by Pope Francis in Rome, having been beatified on 23 May 2015.


The Oscar Romero Award Trust was set up to advance the Catholic faith for the benefit of the public in accordance with the teachings of St. Oscar Romero; The Oscar Romero Award for schools recognises a school's commitment to Catholic Social Teaching.


The Trust is incredibly proud that eleven of our schools have so far been awarded the Participator Level of The Oscar Romero Award, which recognises that a school is living their mission as a Catholic community; and four of our schools have also now been awarded the Developer Level Award!


Holy Family Primary, Maidstone - Participator Award & Developer Award

More Park Primary, West Malling - Participator Award & Developer Award

Stella Maris Primary, Folkestone - Participator Award

St Augustine's Primary, Hythe - Participator Award

St Augustine's Primary, Tunbridge Wells - Participator & Developer Award

St Benedict's Primary, Lordswood - Participator Award

St Edward's Primary, Sheerness - Participator Award

St Gregory's Primary, Margate - Participator Award & Developer Award 

St Joseph's Primary, Broadstairs - Participator Award

St Mary's Primary, Whitstable - Participator Award

St Peter's Primary, Sittingbourne - Participator Award

A huge well done to all!


A number of our schools are also currently in the process of applying for the award, so please watch this space for other updates!

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