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SI Weekly Update

15 July 2024:


Key stage 2 attainment 2024: national headlines
Provisional national headline results for the 2024 national curriculum assessments at key stage 2.


Applying for a Review of KS2 tests

Guidance on applying for a review of KS2 tests. Schools will be able to make applications from Tuesday 9 July until Friday 19 July.


Publication: 2024 KS2 results and scaled score conversion tables


Reminder: information for parents about KS2 assessment results published



Action: download reception baseline assessment reports by the end of July


Pupil attendance in schools
Pupil attendance in schools’ statistics updated to include data covering the period 11 September 2023 to 28 June 2024.


Attendance: Map out bullying ‘hotspots’ to cut absence, says report. Schools found success when they identified areas where pupils did not feel safe.


Attendance: Map bullying 'hotspots' to cut absence - report (


New Attendance/Absence Coding

The DfE have a put together a webinar covering the new attendance/absence coding which come into effect from the beginning of the next school year 2024/25.


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